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The Future of Biotechnology … Today

Category Archives: Pharmacy

Kenichi Takahata of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia is working on a “Medical Wonder!” A wireless implantable drug delivery device which is minutely small that its unnoticeable.  In theory, It will deliver drugs in such perfect doses that it is said to cure cancer. He is also developing other mechanical implants that will vastly improve the medicinal world.

Source: The Globe and Mail

The research team at Children’s Hospital Boston has conducted study to perfect the flu vaccine so we can be protected continuously instead of needing to get a new vaccine every season. This will protect against multiple viral strands such that any mutations and the antigenic drift will be prevented.

Source: Children’s Hospital Boston

In the future, your pharmacy, might be not be the CVS down the street, but it might just be a RedBox like vending machine in your local supermarket or Wal-Mart. 99 percent of most pills are actually useless. Only a very small portion of the pill contains the active ingredient. Researchers have developed a new method to create pills that would as easy as sending a print job to your printer. The pill printer would dispense the active ingredients on one side of the tablet, and then seal the tablet. The new benefit of the printing pills is that the pills are designed around the patient. If the patient is under multiple medications, the printer can add additional active ingredients to that one pill. Thus, the patient would only need to swallow one pill instead of 6 or 7 pills. Another benefit to printing pills is the active ingredients take less time for the drug delivery, thus the pills act more quickly.